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Monday, March 29, 2010

Small update

So a friend of mine says he can hook me up with some 7" car speakers, plexiglass for the screen, extra buttons and joystickss! I was offered a 26" lcd for free as well, so I probably put that in instead of a 28" as that shaves 300 off the bottomline. I could always add bigger too. I need to take the control panel and wiring apart to see what its like. Stay tuned for more updates.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hyperspin Arcade: The New Cabinet

A Change in Plan

So after reviewing what it would cost to revamp the Star Castle arcade, I decided to look for another option. What I found was a new cabinet. This is definitely an improvement over my old one, which may end up junked due to the damage on it. Check out the video, as it explains more. The mission continues.....

As for the computer area, I have my Core i5 already for it. I just need everything else....I am pretty set on going for an LCD on it, but we'll see what develops.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Some Delays

After some initial assessment, I have decided to wait on pursuing this cab project. The arcade does have some significant damage to it, which could make it unstable later on. I may just save the sides and rebuild the center are for the monitor and CP. Not to mention some fund issues have arrived. So until things get settled, this cab is officially on hold. Thank you all for your support in the last week, and hopefully I can get this figured out down the road.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today's Work

So I started peeling the side art, and will drill the lock tomorrow in the back. The monitor I was looking at weighs 90 LBS!!!!!!!!! So I'll need to add some support. I may still go with an LCD screen, not quite sure as I'd like to have HD a possibility when playing Street Fighter 4. Started looking around on other things too, I'll put up a list of sites I use in case someone else wants reference for later.

I'm considering what I want to put on the control panel. Standard joysticks, 6 button layouts, there are so many possibilities.....This will take some planning. Any recommendations are welcome as to what to add.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pickup Day...

So my Dad and I drove 30 minutes to pick up the frame. It's an old Star Castle frame that feels solid. The person who gave it to me said he had plans to build a MAME machine himself, but it fell through. His loss is my gain. I'll need to fix the edges, maybe put some more supports. Still unsure what size monitor to use, or if I want to use a CRT or LCD. Hopefully I can get some recommendations. Pics coming soon...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The First Step

So, after many years of wanting, I have finally made the first step into building an arcade. I will pick a Star Castle arcade frame tomorrow. The condition is listed as "slight weather damage," so I am expecting the worst. But after some blood, sweat, tears, and an earful from my loving and supporting fiance, I will have my arcade. My project officially starts tomorrow. Wish me luck, because I have a feeling I will need it.